What is the we tael hals.??
Oriental original name of ' Hal ' on the now, ' hals ' take of Nals regions hearts all, the deffending army maya on the us tommorow mornings name all, the kingdom space zone sporing days coms here me all dates days region hearts all re-mix days all, the thanks sir ra minds.
ear hoistle
ear make days
knowledge database
ear of year, the nen nal nencan on the each nen of the today, the e-ar.rounds.
わたし達は 耳に 三半規管なる ear hoistle を所持しています ... 三通りを半々に区分する ... 規則的真系管でもあり 規定を信じるナル利率を規則形成致します ... The caution 注意すべき事項を思想で判断致します ... .
Watashi-tachi wa mimi ni sanhankikan'naru ear hoistle o shoji shite imasu... San tōri o hanhan ni kubun suru... Kisoku-teki shin-kei-kande mo ari kitei o shinjiru Naru riritsu o kisoku keisei itashimasu... The caution chūi subeki jikō o shisō de handan itashimasu....Show less128 / 5,000
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We have three semicircular canals in our ears... They are divided into three halves... They are also regular canals that form a rule of thumb... We use our thoughts to decide what we should be careful of...star_border
Good mornings
Zone will com heer re-rongs
Xone system
next future re-rongs
ear hoistle:
暴力的理論言語は 耳鼻神経内科を違法に圧迫し 自己思想原理を消去消滅させ続けます ... 格闘は敬語であり 戦闘は礼拝であり 技術的に戦闘格闘技術を未熟する高齢市民は 言語による言論威嚇を司法裁定し 異質と自己を孤立させます ... 耳鼻咽喉系の不全は 自己寿命を短縮し 社会とは異質する孤立人格を悲哀性格する自己心理松竹を悲哀活動する破綻的人権理論を公開芸能する破目ともなり 自失を総数する意味不明人間を罵倒する結果ともなります ... .
わたし達は 対等に他人と異質することは 永久に選択は致しません ... .
Bōryoku-teki riron gengo wa jibi shinkei naika o ihō ni appaku shi jiko shisō genri o shōkyo shōmetsu sa se tsudzukemasu... Kakutō wa keigodeari sentō wa reihaideari gijutsu-teki ni sentō kakutō gijutsu o mijuku suru kōrei shimin wa gengo ni yoru genron ikaku o shihō saitei shi ishitsu to jiko o koritsu sa semasu... Jibiinkō-kei no fuzen wa jiko jumyō o tanshuku shi shakai to wa ishitsu suru koritsu jinkaku o hiai seikaku suru jiko shinri Shōchiku o hiai katsudō suru hatan-teki jinken riron o kōkai geinō suru hame tomo nari jishitsu o sōsū suru imi fumei ningen o batō suru kekka tomo narimasu.... Watashi-tachi wa taitō ni tanin to ishitsu suru koto wa towa ni sentaku wa itashimasen....Show less263 / 5,000
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Violent theoretical language illegally oppresses ENT and neurology, and continues to erase and destroy the principle of self-ideology... Fighting is honorific language, combat is worship, and older citizens who are technically immature in combat and fighting techniques will judge verbal intimidation and isolate themselves from the different... Failure of the ENT system shortens one's lifespan, and leads to the public entertainment of a failed human rights theory that saddens the self-psychology Shochiku that saddens the isolated personality that is different from society, and results in the insulting of incomprehensible people who totalize self-loss... .
We will never choose to be different from others on an equal footing... .
High ager risks all
zone deffencing
state risk of hi ending positionning of thinking thoughts
social done of next region makes all
earth planets d-ree makes
zone hearts:
心なく 罵倒を営利する不当性高齢市民は 男女の機会均等さえをも威嚇し 圧迫し 冗句冗談を連続整数させ続けます ... 防衛任務ではないこれらの不当市民は 市街を理論防衛することなどありません ... 言語的言論攻勢での威嚇威圧形成であり 市民権利の剥奪を理念思想している変形性思惟です ... .
わたし達は これらの高齢系敬老性冗句冗談を理論協約することなどは 永久にできえません ... .
Kokoro naku batō o eiri suru futō-sei kōrei shimin wa danjo no kikai kintō sae o mo ikaku shi appaku shi jōku jōdan o renzoku seisū sa se tsudzukemasu... Bōei ninmude wanai korera no futō shimin wa shigai o riron bōei suru koto nado arimasen... Gengo-teki genron kōsei de no ikaku iatsu keiseideari shimin kenri no hakudatsu o rinen shisō shite iru henkei-sei shiyuidesu.... Watashi-tachi wa korera no kōrei-kei keirō-sei jōku jōdan o riron kyōyaku suru koto nado wa eikyū ni deki emasen....Show less200 / 5,000
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Unjust elderly citizens who make a living from heartless insults, even intimidate and oppress equal opportunities for men and women, and continue to make jokes... These unjust citizens, who are not on a defensive mission, have no theoretical defense of the city... They are a form of intimidation and coercion through verbal and verbal attacks, and are a deformed mindset that idealizes the deprivation of civil rights... .
We will never be able to theoretically agree with these elderly respectful jokes... .
fin & Gara
old party rule
older mission
waimo waimoch unvega deoyona kingorode, sove yokkiten onda kintamaamedoma mocchoran, tege yahinarento
SOX を ZOTTO スルヨナ ZOX を狂句します
大概にすべきである との忠告を言語文章する比較文学でもあります
Keirō-kai rūru o kitei suru jōki kyōku naruwa zox SOX o ZOTTO suruyona ZOX o kyōku shimasu zon. Deffencing taigai ni subekidearu to no chūkoku o kotoba bunshō suru hikaku bungaku demo arimasuShow less112 / 5,000
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The above is a mad verse that defines the rules for the Respect for the Aged Day event. zox SOX is a mad verse that makes ZOTTO and ZOX mad ZONE.deffencing It is also a comparative literature that gives advice that you should do things to a certain extent.
nea kingdom
yahi nare
Japan Satsuma Osumi
Nals reading here
Hals leading hear
Pals listenning heer
Osumi Natocas:
わたし達は 近隣の宮崎や鹿児島を都市的国家理科学と理工学しています ... 社会的先端を都市国家工学する地方中核都市として尊重しております ... .
わたし達大隅半島は 那ナル物語 さえもあり 歴然と通常の市街地系大地とは異なります ... .
大気圏とも共同定率である鹿児島県大隅半島は 海洋力学フェルミとも密接に結びついており 自然なる理想を科学波形しております ... 不思議ナル妖精のふるさと 故郷を天使で擁する環境系生命大気圏理学と論理を区分しております ... .
Watashi-tachi wa kinrin no Miyazaki ya kagoshima o toshi-teki kokka rika-gaku to ri kōgaku shite imasu... Shakai-teki sentan o toshi kokka kōgaku suru chihō chūkaku toshi to shite sonchō shite orimasu.... Watashi-tachi Ōsumihantō wa Na Naru monogatari sae mo ari rekizento tsūjō no shigaichi-kei daichi to wa kotonarimasu.... Taikiken tomo kyōdō teiritsudearu Kagoshima ken Ōsumihantō wa kaiyōrikigaku ferumi tomo missetsu ni musubitsuite ori shizen'naru risō o kagaku hakei shite orimasu... Fushigi Naru yōsei no furusato furusato o tenshi de yōsuru kankyō-kei seimei taikiken rigaku to ronri o kubun shite orimasu....Show less248 / 5,000
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We are urban-state science and engineering in the neighboring Miyazaki and Kagoshima... We respect them as regional core cities that are at the forefront of urban-state engineering in society... .
Our Osumi Peninsula even has its own story, and is clearly different from normal urban land... .
The Osumi Peninsula in Kagoshima Prefecture, which is co-located with the atmosphere, is closely connected to ocean dynamics Fermi, and scientifically shapes natural ideals... We are the home of mysterious fairies, and divide environmental life-atmosphere science and logic into the home of angels... .
ZONE 力学は 国家社会理論ではありません ... .
天政を行う際に 前提とする論理結合体です ... .
ここでは、地ナル政治を行うゆえに 国家社会理論を選択し 破綻ナルを迎える G-ender と帰着しています ... . これらは自然であり 国や社会に責務責任があるのではありません ... 当然なるこの地球惑星の帰着帰結であるとも言えます ... .
Zon rikigaku wa kokka shakai rironde wa arimasen.... Tensei o okonau sai ni zentei to suru ronri ketsugō-taidesu.... Kokode wa,-chi Naru seiji o okonau yue ni kokka shakai riron o sentaku shi hatan Naru o mukaeru G - ender to kichaku shite imasu.... Korera wa shizendeari kuni ya shakai ni sekimu sekinin ga aru node wa arimasen... Tōzen naru kono chikyū wakusei no kichaku kiketsudearutomo iemasu....Show less192 / 5,000
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ZONE dynamics is not a theory of state society....
It is a logical conjunction that is the premise for carrying out heavenly politics....
Here, we choose state society theory to carry out earthly politics, and it comes down to G-ender, which will fail.... These are natural, and countries and societies are not responsible for them.... It can also be said that they are the natural consequences of this planet Earth....