Welcome, your you are.!!


tweeting my love


secretable eN-foundation

dirty my love, madonna:  

わたしはまだ地球人類ではない ... それぞれの秘宝を探し出す未知ナル者 ... この旅が終わり 果てることはない ... .

Watashi wa mada chikyū jinruide wanai... Sorezore no hihō o sagashidasu michi Naru-sha... Kono tabi ga owari hateru koto wanai....63 / 5,000

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Translation result

I am not yet a human being on Earth... I am an unknown being searching for each of our treasures... This journey will never end...


lady first

classics seeks now

free all

tweeting my love:  

eN-human worlds is show and G-ce, the show-G  ...  .  

this these way is and so, the anso  ...  the pointive  ...  .  

わたくし共の平和活動は 着実に実績を重ねています ... damal & mamol @ fomale  ナル社会倫理を道徳順守していただき 誠にありがとうございます ... 地元のナンチクの皆様に 特に 多大なる感謝を申し上げます ... .

Watakushi-domo no heiwa katsudō wa chakujitsu ni jisseki o kasanete imasu... Damal& mamol@ fomale Naru shakai rinri o dōtoku junshu shite itadaki makotoni arigatōgozaimasu... Jimoto no nanchiku no minasama ni tokuni tadainaru kansha o mōshiagemasu....Show less122 / 5,000

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Translation result

Our peace activities are steadily achieving results... Thank you very much to Damal & Mamol @ Fomale for your adherence to social ethics... We would like to express our special gratitude to the local Nanchik people....


創業以来 一貫して

le-seace なる憲法の制定に日々奮闘努力されている皆様方でございます

Jimoto no minami Kyūshū chikusan kōgyō kabushiki kaisha no minasama wa sōgyō irai ikkan shite le - seace naru kenpō no seitei ni hibi funtō doryoku sa rete iru minasama hōdegozaimasuShow less68 / 5,000

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Translation result

The people at the local Minami Kyushu Livestock Industry Co., Ltd. have been working hard every day to establish the constitution called le-seace since the company was founded.



you are

inner core

welcome you are:

we my love  ...  derivation you are  ...  the wonderful  ...  .  

aisiteimas  ...  .  

派生 Hasei

推导 Tuīdǎo




personal life story



damal & mamol @ fomale  ナル logics theory を無視する場合は 本質的質量体積の宇宙間供給を非議する性質となり 永遠ナル孤立を重力することとなります ... 批難や批判という行為は 発言する言論で事象する社会論であり 発言を無効とできる論理的理論根拠はありません ... ケースなる場合を複数に用意する相対設定は 前提で批判を形成する意欲を政治社会体質します ... . わたし達は市民であり 国家憲法や国連人権保証で 自由なる思想思考を行為する共和を取得できえています ... これらの保護保証を無視する国民人質計画は すべてなる価値を奪う卑劣と帰着帰結致します ... .

Damal& mamol@ fomale Naru logics theory o mushi suru baai wa honshitsu-teki shitsuryō taiseki no uchū-kan kyōkyū o higi suru seishitsu to nari eien Naru koritsu o jūryoku suru koto to narimasu... Hinan ya hihan to iu kōi wa hatsugen suru genron de jishō suru shakai-rondeari hatsugen o mukō to dekiru ronri-teki riron konkyo wa arimasen... Kēsu naru baai o fukusū ni yōi suru sōtai settei wa zentei de hihan o keisei suru iyoku o seiji shakai taishitsu shimasu.... Watashi-tachi wa shimindeari kokka kenpō ya Kokuren jinken hoshō de jiyūnaru shisō shikō o kōi suru kyōwa o shutoku de kiete imasu... Korera no hogo hoshō o mushi suru kokumin hitojichi keikaku wa subetenaru kachi o ubau hiretsu to kichaku kiketsu itashimasu....Show less306 / 5,000

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Translation result

damal & mamol @ fomale If logic theory is ignored, the nature of the supply of essential mass and volume between universes will be challenged, and gravity will bring about eternal isolation... The act of criticism or accusation is a social theory that occurs with the speech that is spoken, and there is no logical basis for invalidating the speech... The relative setting that prepares multiple possible cases creates a political and social constitution that encourages the willingness to form criticism based on the premise... We are citizens, and through the national constitution and the UN human rights guarantee, we are able to obtain a republic in which we can exercise free thought and thought... The national hostage plan that ignores these protection guarantees will result in a vile act that takes away all value... .

National Public Service Salary


most max money

planet culture

language word


brain cell

thinking thoughts:  

通常では 市民のブログは 自己資産体系の中で 無償で社会奉仕活動されます ... . 

特別に 特殊に 現地球惑星や現宇宙世界への電離系平和主義の価値なるは 通常では算出できえない高額ナル公共価値となります ... 実績や履歴で これらは十分に証明できる個人資産体系でもあります ... .

Tsūjōde wa shimin no burogu wa jiko shisan taikei no naka de mushō de shakai hōshi katsudō sa remasu.... Tokubetsu ni tokushu ni gen chikyū wakusei ya gen uchū sekai e no denri-kei heiwa shugi no kachinaru wa tsūjōde wa sanshutsu de kienai kōgaku Naru kōkyō kachi to narimasu... Jisseki ya rireki de korera wa jūbun ni shōmei dekiru kojin shisan taikei demo arimasu....Show less149 / 5,000

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Translation result

Normally, citizen blogs are social service activities carried out free of charge within the personal asset system.... The value of ionized pacifism to the present planet Earth and the present universe is a very high public value that cannot be calculated normally....It is also a personal asset system that can be fully proven by track record and history....



all one






発言なるに 社会的倫理道徳を大幅に逸脱する虐待的弾圧言論を 正当正規な地域地方市民融和と平和決議されることなどはありません ... 強烈にすべてを誹謗中傷する言論弾圧を わたし達は耐える力で乗り越えています ... これらの反道徳律の改正を求める市民運動はなく 総じて市民は沈黙し忍耐する日々を迎えることとなります ... これらの市民殺害行為は 国家を著しく損益させる推定8千京兆損益であり これを挽回できる宇宙資産の生誕は 人類を明るい未来へ変えていく宇宙科学を信仰する宇宙系国家指針ともなりえます ... わたし達は常に 日々努力し すべてへ貢献できる人材として 自己を研鑽する道を選んで生きております ... .

Hatsugen naru ni shakai-teki rinri dōtoku o ōhaba ni itsudatsu suru gyakutai-teki dan'atsu genron o seitō seikina chiiki chihō shimin yūwa to heiwa ketsugi sa re ru koto nado wa arimasen... Kyōretsu ni subete o hibou chūshō suru genron dan'atsu o watashi-tachi wa taeru chikara de norikoete imasu... Korera no han dōtoku ritsu no kaisei o motomeru shimin undō wanaku sōjite shimin wa chinmoku shi nintai suru hibi o mukaeru koto to narimasu... Korera no shimin satsugai kōi wa kokka o ichijirushiku son'eki sa seru suitei 8 sen Kyō chō son'ekideari kore o bankai dekiru uchū shisan no seitan wa jinrui o akarui mirai e kaete iku uchū kagaku o shinkō suru uchū-kei kokka shishin tomo nari emasu... Watashi-tachi wa tsuneni hibi doryoku shi subete e kōken dekiru jinzai to shite jiko o kensan suru michi o erande ikite orimasu....Show less311 / 5,000

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Translation result

As for the statements, abusive and oppressive speech that greatly deviates from social ethics and morals will not be resolved as a legitimate and legitimate regional civic harmony and peace... We are overcoming the intense oppression of speech that slanders everything with our strength of endurance... There is no citizen movement calling for the revision of these immoral laws, and generally, citizens will face days of silence and patience... These acts of killing citizens will cause significant losses to the nation, estimated at 8 quadrillion trillion yen, and the birth of space assets that can recover this can be a guideline for a space-based nation that believes in space science that will change humanity into a brighter future... We are always working hard every day and choosing to live by the path of self-improvement as human resources who can contribute to everything...


judge courtation

state one

web blog

World wide internet of ownning plan is crazy  ...  the non-future all  ...  .  

ウェブブログの所有論を権利発言される方々もあり 著作権や司法権などの個人的資材を直接に原理介入押収されている状況が伺えます ... 独自に自己著作氏名される方々も多く 原理的司法理論をほぼ皆無されておられます ... 公共財産に値するウェブブログを個人経営資産できることなどありません ... 市民自営業努力を市政共有財産とすることもできえません ... 国民を人質にし 犠牲と奴隷と餌食を国家思想する反政府主義は 永遠に強硬共産主義を展開されます ... この殺人罪に値する国際司法事例を 国家独自で無罪とすることなど 到底にできえません ... わたし達は 自由に貿易する経済を希求しています ... 独自に独断するウェブブログ所有占有理論は この自由貿易協定に永遠に反する形となり 自由貿易への参加拒否を声明する悲劇を迎えることともなります ... .

World wide internet of ownning plan is crazy... The non - future all.... U~ebu burogu no shoyū-ron o kenri hatsugen sa reru katagata mo ari chosakken ya shihō-ken nado no kojin-teki shizai o chokusetsu ni genri kainyū ōshū sa rete iru jōkyō ga ukagaemasu... Dokuji ni jiko chosaku shimei sa reru katagata mo ōku genri-teki shihō riron o hobo kaimu sa rete ora remasu... Kōkyō zaisan ni ataisuru u~ebu burogu o kojin keiei shisan dekiru koto nado arimasen... Shimin jieigyō doryoku o shisei kyōyū zaisan to suru koto mo deki emasen... Kokumin o hitojichi ni shi gisei to dorei to ejiki o kokka shisō suru han seifu shugi wa eien ni kyōkō Kyōsan shugi o tenkai sa remasu... Kono satsujin tsumi ni ataisuru kokusai shihō jirei o kokka dokujide muzai to suru koto nado tōtei ni de kiemasen... Watashi-tachi wa jiyū ni bōeki suru keizai o kikyū shite imasu... Dokuji ni dokudan suru u~ebu burogu shoyū sen'yū riron wa kono jiyū bōeki kyōtei ni eien ni hansuru katachi to nari jiyū bōeki e no sanka kyohi o seimei suru higeki o mukaeru koto to mo narimasu....Show less462 / 5,000

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Translation result

World wide internet of owning plan is crazy ... the non-future all ... . Some people are making statements about the ownership of blogs, and it seems that personal materials such as copyrights and legal rights are being directly intervened and seized... Many people are making their own works, and there is almost no legal theory of principle... Blogs, which are public property, cannot be made into privately managed assets... The efforts of self-employed citizens cannot be made into the common property of the city government... Anti-government ideology that holds the people hostage and considers them as victims, slaves, and prey will continue to develop hard-line communism forever... There is no way that a country can independently find innocent this international legal case, which is tantamount to a murder charge... We desire an economy that trades freely... A theory of blog ownership and occupation that is arbitrary and arbitrary will forever go against this free trade agreement, and will lead to the tragedy of declaring refusal to participate in free trade... .












Kokumin o hitojichi to shakai teigi shi gisei ejiki dorei to shite toriatsukau shimin shugi wa yaban'naru genshi o jinrui shi tsudzukeru rakutan shugi de uchū o hakai shi tsudzukemasu watashi-tachi wa korera no hikyō to eien ni tatakau kakugo de imasu makeru tsumori wa arimasenShow less113 / 5,000

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Translation result

A civil ideology that treats its citizens as hostages, victims, prey, and slaves will continue to destroy the universe with a despondent ideology that continues to turn the barbaric primitive world into humanity. We are prepared to fight this cowardice forever. We have no intention of losing.