Spring day.!!


Yauts tsta cuso-cazn.!!

minami kyushu:  

特殊な事情のある南九州でもあり 遠くはブラジルにまで及びます ... 北は英国であり 東なるにロシア帝国を主する東洋の拠点でもあります ... ゆえに 寛ナル偉大を異元する傾向にあり 植物と融和する桜島を本尊と アジアを秘匿覇権しています ... .

Tokushuna jijō no aru minamikyūshūde mo ari tōku wa Burajiru ni made oyobimasu... Kita wa Igirisudeari azuma naru ni Roshia teikoku o omo suru tōyō no kyoten demo arimasu... Yueni Kan Naru idai o i gen suru keikō ni ari shokubutsu to yūwa suru Sakurajima o honzon to Ajia o hitoku haken shite imasu....Show less131 / 5,000

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Translation result

Southern Kyushu has its own unique circumstances, and it reaches as far as Brazil... It is also the base of the Orient, with Britain to the north and the Russian Empire to the east... Therefore, it has a tendency to place a different kind of magnanimity on the map, and with Sakurajima, which blends in with plants, as its deity, it has secretly dominated Asia...





special of means:  

そう複雑で奥の深い科学を 自己用語 スル必要などありません ... special  には 余計な論理的理論原理 などは必然ではありません オボエル必要もありません ... level & system ... この二つの英単語だけですべてを  @  し続けます ... .

Sō fukuzatsude oku no fukai kagaku o jiko yōgo suru hitsuyō nado arimasen... Supesharu ni wa yokeina ronri-teki riron genri nado wa hitsuzende wa arimasen oboeru hitsuyō mo arimasen... Level& system... Kono futatsu no eitango dake de subete o@ shi tsudzukemasu....Show less141 / 5,000

Translation results

Translation result

There is no need to use your own terminology for such a complex and profound science... Special does not require any extra logical theories or principles, and there is no need to obsess over them... Level & system... Just these two English words will keep you @ing everything...


Yamannakade tscoganaiyona waroni naranto

Yamanaca coenkai judge

Cijittsdon oboetati ya waya


武士道を古道する薩摩鹿児島であり 北辰一刀流を席巻スル示現流を神道流派スル新憲法派薩摩主義です ... わたし達に 敗北スルナル 負ける なるが存在してはなりません ... .

Takeshidō o furumichi suru Satsuma kagoshimadeari hokushin'ittōryū o sekken suru shigenryū o shintō ryūha suru shin kenpō-ha satsumashugidesu... Watashi-tachi ni haiboku surunaru makeru naruga sonzai shite wa narimasen....Show less92 / 5,000

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Translation result

We are Satsuma Kagoshima, who practice the ancient way of Bushido, and we are the New Constitutional Satsuma school, which practices the Shinto school Jigen-ryu, which has dominated the Hokushin Itto-ryu...There should be no cases where we are defeated or lose...

set value

air force


c-ree G-earth birth


solution doing codes coms here



立派という日本語は 偉大である という ' 絆 kizuna ' を尊敬で表す比喩であり 成人 という律服を武士道する表現です ... 維新という立派もあり 意義という結露でもあり 派閥でもあり 立志でもあり 旅立ちを表現する ヒットベ でもあります ... .

Rippa to iu nihongo wa idaidearu to iu' kizuna kizuna' o sonkei de arawasu hiyudeari seijin to iu ritsu-fuku o takeshidō suru hyōgendesu... Ishin to iu rippa mo ari igi to iu ketsurode mo ari habatsu demo ari risshi demo ari tabidachi o hyōgen suru hittobede mo arimasu....Show less135 / 5,000

Translation results

Translation result

The Japanese word "tappa" is a metaphor for the respectful expression of "kizuna" (bonds) that means greatness, and an expression of the samurai way of wearing the law of coming of age... It also represents the honor of the restoration, the condensation of meaning, a faction, a determination, and the "hitbe" (a departure)...



language word



peace feel



Camsa ham nida  ...  どうぞどうか 御親切をお願い致します ... .

Gamsa ham nida... Dōzo dōka goshinsetsu o onegaiitashimasu....auto_awesomeShowing translation for Gamsa ham nida ... どうぞどうか ご親切をお願い致します ... .Translate instead Camsa ham nida ... どうぞどうか 御親切をお願い致します ... .49 / 5,000

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Translation result

Gamsa ham nida... Please be kind... .





buddha housing

home conversation


sueyoshi manzai:  

相互を相対スル原理を 感謝と謝意の仏教に信徒スル意味意義ナル価値 と対話を設定会話値スルコト ... つまり 市民会話を 女性を優先する憲章として憲法し 憲政を律儀する男性として 女性の言葉を利用する ... 女性に自由を与える主権市民ともなれる秘を密教する術 ... Amateras ... .

Sōgo o sōtai suru genri o kansha to shai no bukkyō ni shinto suru imi igi Naru kachi to taiwa o settei kaiwa-chi suru koto... Tsumari shimin kaiwa o josei o yūsen suru kenshō to shite kenpō shi kensei o richigi suru dansei to shite josei no kotoba o riyō suru... Josei ni jiyū o ataeru shuken shimin-tomo nareru hi o mikkyō suru jutsu... Amateras....Show less153 / 5,000

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Translation result

The principle of mutual respect, the value of gratitude and appreciation, and the meaning of dialogue that the believers have in Buddhism... In other words, the civil conversation is a constitution that gives priority to women, and as a man who upholds the constitution, he uses women's words... The art of esoteric Buddhism that gives freedom to women and allows them to become sovereign citizens... Amateras....


language word

Camsa ham nida

So, to be kind.

buddha region

housing system

home room plan

account:  上程

わたし達市民が自然に身につけた文明文化は 自然に 国家の内閣官房室へと上程されます ... . 

Watashi-tachi shimin ga shizen ni mi ni tsuketa bunmei bunka wa shizen ni kokka no naikaku kanbō-shitsu e to jōtei sa remasu....52 / 5,000

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Translation result

The civilization and culture that we, the citizens, naturally acquire will naturally be presented to the Cabinet Secretariat of the nation....star_border

State deffending Girl

国家最高の女性比率を有する国家防衛女子訓練生は 何かと 神経質でもあり 以上に律儀を要求する姿勢を終始所持し続けます ... ゆえに わたし達市民は この憧れの女性との私的関連性を所持することなるが最高最大であり 人生を有意義に幸福できえる秘訣でもあります ... .

Kokka saikō no josei hiritsu o yūsuru kokka bōei joshi kunren-sei wa nanikato shinkeishitsu demo ari ijō ni richigi o yōkyū suru shisei o shūshi shoji shi tsudzukemasu... Yueni watashi-tachi shimin wa kono akogare no josei to no shiteki kanren-sei o shoji suru kotonaruga saikō saidaideari jinsei o yūigi ni kōfuku de kieru hiketsu demo arimasu....Show less138 / 5,000

Translation results

Translation result

The female national defense trainees, who have the highest female ratio in the country, are very sensitive and always demand more discipline than anything else... Therefore, for us citizens, having a private relationship with these women is the best and greatest thing, and it is also the secret to living a meaningful and happy life...