

Why whats, people thinking thoughts of carami pacre on the fine beauty people city-rise,  ...  we thinking days is , all for the teams, the direction director supply codes ecs alls, the rav  ...  .  

Watashiwa otoco de ari, taigyakuzai wo dekiru seibetsu type dewa arimasen  ... sarani, and more, the people  ...  cocca no prime presidents leader de arunodemo arimasen  ...  .

community Guideline



self dispice

Japan promblem:  

Genzai no Nihon wa, seigi no youni  ...  atarimae no youni  ...  ookinakaode  idai na hito buri  ...  mizukara wo botsumetsu saserarete oraremas  ...  all unknown, todays more and, dis all time is all unknown you were kates alls, the impossibe.


poly Guitar




ボクの左手を主スル・タランチュラは 行動科学の自然を造形する左手であり 現象を クモス する光の芸術を クモノス します ... タランチュラのクモノスは エモノをトルためではありません ... 空間に光を芸術する思想を主義されています ... .

Boku no hidarite o omo suru taranchura wa kōdō kagaku no shizen o zōkei suru hidaritedeari genshō o kumosu suru hikari no geijutsu o kumonosu shimasu... Taranchura no kumonosu wa emono o toru tamede wa arimasen... Kūkan ni hikari o geijutsu suru shisō o shugi sa rete imasu....Show less125 / 5,000

Translation results

Translation result

Tarantula, who controls my left hand, is the left hand that shapes the nature of behavioral science, and spiders the art of light that spiders phenomena... The spider of the tarantula is not there to capture prey... It is based on the idea of ​​creating art with light in space...




all of job

God father

inner core

sports boss


平和を人々の暮らす街で形成することは そう複雑で難しいことであるのではありません ... もう 平和が到来しました ... わたし達は これ以上は 論理を創造することなどはありません ... .

Heiwa o hitobito no kurasu machi de keisei suru koto wa sō fukuzatsude muzukashī kotodearu node wa arimasen... Mō heiwa ga tōrai shimashita... Watashi-tachi wa kore ijō wa ronri o sōzō suru koto nado wa arimasen....Show less97 / 5,000

Translation results

Translation result

It is not so complicated and difficult to create peace in the city where people live...Peace has already arrived...We do not need to create any more logic...