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We will now, creative music title of set logics, the Number.
These number sheets of, silentive responcive educative time all, the ' under set '.
ゆえに、静かに待ちましょう ... 。
Watashi-tachi wa, yūshūdesu. Soshite, orokadesu. Yueni, shizuka ni machimashou....auto_awesomeDid you mean: 私達は、優秀です。 そして、愚かです。 ゆえに、静かに待ちましょう ... 。52 / 5,000
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Translation result
We are brilliant.
And foolish.
So let us be quiet and wait....
Good morning
symbol mark of means
set logics
all be me in
lady Girl feel
time duke
Good morning
say to cae
日本国は、小中高を始めとする大学関係機関での直列的並列形成であり、「伝事」を主眼とする「教育方針」です。ゆえに、「思考スル」なる「比較対称整数」で「 SET 設定設置論」を不能する場合が多発致します。高年齢の老齢の皆様では、「ほぼ不可能」なる「SET 諸科学」です。
Dōshitemo, jiko no sei ichi de fuan o shoji shite shimai, shoyū naru kitoku ken'eki o tsuikyū suru seikaku e to, jinkaku ga hen'i suru katagata mo ora remasu. Watakushi-tachi wa, jakusha o daihyō suru `seito-kai'deari, yūjin ya dōkyū to no `seito kōryū' naruga `kokka honryū' to narimasu. Nipponkoku wa, ko chūkō o hajime to suru daigaku kankei kikan de no chokuretsu-teki heiretsu keiseideari,`-den koto' o shugan to suru `kyōiku hōshin'desu. Yueni,`shikō suru' naru `hikaku taishō seisū' de `SET settei setchi-ron' o funō suru baai ga tahatsu itashimasu. Kō nenrei no rōrei no minasamade wa,`hobo fukanō' naru `SET sho kagaku'desu.Show more257 / 5,000
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Translation result
Some people inevitably end up with anxiety when their card is in the upright position, and their personalities change to pursue vested interests.
We are the "student council" that represents the weak, and "student interaction" with friends and classmates is the "mainstream of the nation."
In Japan, the education policy is one in which parallel and serial formation is practiced in elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as university-related institutions, with a focus on "tradition." Therefore, there are many cases where the "SET setting theory" is impossible to achieve with the "comparative symmetric integers" that are "thinking." For the elderly, the "SET sciences" are "almost impossible."
s & c @ H
set & ces @ mee
成長( regulation )を、不当に理解解釈されています。
静かに余生を暮らす ... これを回避され続けておられます。
Kono sukūru to iu@ gakkō sae mo, muchi suru hitobito ga ima demo imasu. Seichō (regulation) o, futō ni rikai kaishaku sa rete imasu. O kōrei-shade mo ari, sudeni intai shi, inkyo sa rerubeki o kōrei demo arimasu. Shizuka ni yosei o kurasu... Kore o kaihi sa re tsudzukete ora remasu.Show more144 / 5,000
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Translation result
Even today, there are people who are ignorant of this very school.
They misunderstand and interpret regulation.
They are elderly, and should have retired and been forced into retirement.
They should have lived out the rest of their lives in peace... but they continue to avoid this.
* Kono genjitsu suru gense no yononaka de, arienai kotogara o kibō yōbō suru kokumin-teki imi igi nado arimasen. Korera no katagata wa,`wakusei kara tsuihō sa reru han seifu shugi' naru katagata to `shakai nintei' sa re tsudzuke, sono jiko jinsei o ōkiku hatan sa remasu. Ikiru koto sae mo fukanō to narimasu.Show more135 / 5,000
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In this present-day world, there is no national meaning or significance to hoping for impossible things.
These people will continue to be "socially recognized" as "anti-government people who will be banished from the planet," and their lives will be greatly ruined.
It will become impossible for them to even live.
Go home rule
下をのむこと ... ゲノム。
Swallowing below... the genome.