Schooling pre.!!
Entry in passports is regulations, the rule of acceptive case, is it, this all knowledge is life, the ENOCHi.
Long life seeks days, the entry in.
The SOCIAL.ome ™
silentive school
feel catch
friendly seek
entry in passports
rule acceptive promission message & sighn
reading rule of knowledge take
rule-out case of school-outer case
tin.bots-set all
away caution set
home out case
Human set
Region hearts
city stay people
about us
information blog maker
now todays Nenrei
real justice Nenrei
non-todays out of Nenrei
social rule
just justice
all seen
suits wave
regulation wear of ware has coats rip
clever language
future people
pasta zone
ad accounting set
社会や学校では、「謹み tstssimi 」なる「謙遜 kenson 」なるが人格と性格を高く評価される「王立系」学習社会での評定論が採用されています。
Sukūru suru gakkōde wa `chikuri' naru `mikkoku' wa genkin de kinshi jōkō sa rete imasu. Yueni, yūjin no shissaku o kyōshokuin rūmu e tsūkoku ni sekkin suruto bassoku o senkoku sa remasu. Shakai demo, yūshūnaru keshōhin ni,`fushizen'naru sentan-teki sozai no shiyō' o kuchikomi sa reru koto wa, hijō ni watakushi-tachi no seikatsu rieki o songai sa seru hame tomo narimasu. Shakai ya gakkōde wa,`tsutsushimi tstssimi' naru `kenson kenson' naruga jinkaku to seikaku o takaku hyōka sa reru `ōritsu-kei' gakushū shakai de no hyōtei-ron ga saiyō sa rete imasu.Show more227 / 5,000
Translation results
Translation result
In schools, it is strictly forbidden to "trick" or "inform" others.
Therefore, if you go to the teachers' room to report a friend's mistake, you will be punished.
In society, too, if word gets out that a high-quality cosmetic product uses "unnatural cutting-edge ingredients," it can be a huge loss to our livelihood.
In society and at school, the evaluation theory of the "royal" learning society is adopted, where "respect" and "humility" are highly valued, but personality and character are highly valued.